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CMI has specialized in the design and install of helical pile deep foundations for over 22 years.
Helical piles, also known as screw piles or helical anchors, are screwed into the ground using hydraulic rotary drive motors and are used to bypass unstable soil and transfer the load of a structure to solid material. Helical piles produce no pounding, vibrations or spoils unlike other piling methods, and can be installed efficiently by our experienced team.

Innovative Applications
Although helical piles are generally used for new construction, CMI has successfully incorporated them into a variety of applications including elevated walkways, boardwalks, boathouse foundations, foundation restoration, docks and boat launches. Helical piles for foundations on the water can also be easily installed by CMI's Marine Division using a crane and barge.

Limited Access Installation
Limited access spaces and low headroom sites are not a problem for helical pile installation. With our team's operation skills and a variety of equipment, helical piles can be installed in even the tightest of spaces.
High Capacity Foundations
Our piles can be designed for loads up to 500 tons and are adaptable to a variety of installation angles allowing for greater flexibility of installation in a range of applications.

There are many advantages of helical piles compared to other foundation systems, such as lower cost than driven or drilled piles - helical piles require a smaller depth for the same capacity. Other advantages include minimal support equipment, little or no dependence on the weather, fast and efficient installation, and minimal vibrations and noise during install. Helical piles also do not require spoil removal and have no concrete-related delays, can be temporarily installed and easily removed for re-use, and have very low mobilization and de-mobilization costs.

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